Resources - Litchfield Veterinary Hospital - Litchfield, CT

Litchfield Veterinary Hospital

289 Torrington Road
Litchfield, CT 06759


Welcome to Pet Health and Wellness Resources

Your pets health is our main priority. Our knowledgeable team will always take the time to review your pet's care, discuss treatment plans and ensure all take home instructions are clear, including how to administer medication.  We understand that this information can be overwhelming at times, often leaving pet owners with questions after leaving the facility.  We always encourage our clients to call us if there are any concerns or additional questions. We routinely follow-up with phone calls to check on your pet's status following surgical or medical discharge from the hospital, results of diagnostic testing or illness. Our Pet Health and Wellness topics enable owners to navigate subjects that are commonly searched for online, offering an additional reference source outside of the exam room.  

All information is not to be considered a means of diagnosing or treating a pet's condition. Owners should always seek the advice of their veterinarian and seek medical attention if their pet is injured or sick.  The doctors at Litchfield Veterinary Hospital recommend scheduling routine wellness visits to maintain the health of your pet(s).

Pet Health and Wellness Topics

Question dog